Today’s post comes from Joy Hamilton of Blooming Twig.
Blooming Twig is an indie publishing house which has issued children’s books, self-help titles, trade-based books, fiction, poetry and prose books, and books by internationally renowned authors, among any other genre you can imagine.
photo by Shereen M.
There’s always that question that bubbles up on your tongue. Because you are human, naturally you question things, but as a thinker devoted to the art of words, you begin to stop and question yourself. Why do I write? Why do I resort to the flourishing of a pen on paper, scribbling thoughts down as quickly as they come? Why does the smell of fresh paper make my mouth water, and the scent of books make my heart yearn for a dim corner, a blanket, and a perfectly cozy pillow? And why is it crucial that when the urge to read or write strikes, there is a warm mug of a delicious something (tea, coffee, hot chocolate, chai…) in your unoccupied hand?
These questions have simple answers. You are a writer, a reader, a bibliophile, a logophile— and even possibly a caffeine addict (hey, no judgment passed).
But what does this mean? Well, my friends, there is no need to question your very being. You are not alone in the world—there are many others who would rather cozy up by the fire with a novel or a notebook than go out and have a night out on the town. It’s not weird. It’s not out of the ordinary (though you are extraordinary in so many ways). It’s certainly okay that you prefer to have books scattered all about you than to be in the midst of a raging crowd. This is who you are.
Own it.
Love it.
Live it.
And now I know you are still asking what this means. No, to love books and writing is not to say in kinder terms that you’re a freak of nature and a recluse. No, no! It means, dear friends, that you are a deep thinker and feeler. You are passionate. You stop to ponder thoughts, feelings, and ideas that you have. You feel them, mull them over in your head, your heart, and even your mouth; you taste them, visualize them, even feel them— whether tangible or not. When you love writing and books, the world falls into your lap in more ways than just waking up in the morning. It means that you appreciate it and all it has to offer you. And you take what you experience every day and you express yourself regarding what you’ve been through. You write a poem about a deep yearning for something, a letter to your beloved to tell him or her how much they mean to you, or you grab a good book and escape from the nightmare of a day you’ve battled.
One of the best feelings in the world is the sense of relief, that “ahhhhh” moment you feel when it all comes out. Like when you take that first delightful sip out of that comforting mug. The warmth tickles the tongue and soothes all the way down your gullet right into your belly. Sit back, close your eyes, and savor your words just as you savor that relief.
You write because you love it. You read because you love it. Words make you who you are. And you’re great. Keep being awesome. Embrace the words, and you find ways to embrace yourself, no matter what kind of person you are.
I don’t know about you guys, but I’m already looking forward to my Friday night. All in favor of a quiet night in, say “I!” …Coffee, anyone?