

Catalog your Board Games with Libib

For years we have had thousands of requests to add board game cataloging to Libib. It’s something we’ve wanted to do for a while, but we never found a good data source for this information. Today we start trying something…

Patron freeze: prevent self-checkouts/holds

In the past, when Pro accounts offered self-checkouts through their published library or through a kiosk, we just relied on the honor system to stop patrons from checking out more items than they should or for placing holds. The only…

Flag incorrect or missing information

Did you know there’s an easy way to correct bad or missing info on Libib? If the title, description, publisher, date, ANYTHING is incomplete or incorrect, Libib offers you a flagging feature on the website. The flag notifies the Libib…

Quick Edit – Edit individual fields fast

Today we introduced a new additional way to edit individual fields on an item. Each item now displays a pencil icon which will bring up a quick edit menu. ALT This menu is completely accessible through the keyboard; no need…

Libib Update on February 26, 2022

Update: Initial post had launch date of February 19, 2022. This has been pushed an additional week. Launch date is now February 26, 2022. We’ve been working on some updates… For just over a year now, we’ve been working on…

New report – Items Not Lent

We now offer Pro users the ability to download a csv report of all items not lent out in a specific time period. This is a great way to figure out which items you may need to weed from your…

New report – Current Checkouts

The reports section now includes a way to export your current checked out items. A great way to quickly grab the emails you many need all at once for past due items. Don’t forget though, Libib can automatically email your…

Libib Pro Early Access Pricing Coming To An End

When we started offering Libib Pro, it was incredibly important to us to make the price as affordable as possible but still keep the lights on. We decided to start at $5/month as an “Early Access” special and had such…