

Libib Pro now has Lexile Measurements!

Teachers have long been asking for Lexiles to be added to Libib, and now we are happy to be able to offer them! Our Lexile search is intelligent too; click on any measurement, and Libib will automatically find all books…

Libib Pro Patron Logins

Your patrons now have their own logins on your public site. From here they can view their recent lending history, release their holds, change their account details (email, password, address, etc…), and notification preferences. That’s right, patrons can change their…

Kiosk Self Checkout for Pro Patrons

Libib is happy to announce our newest Pro feature: Kiosk Mode!A way for patrons to self-checkout. The kiosk does require using custom barcodes (which Libib automatically provides for every copy of an item). Read all the details on our support…

Recently added features!

Published page redesignBoth Standard and Pro users get the new layout, with Pro users getting the added abilities to theme and change elements of the design (like showing all the item details, or hiding the feed). BookTube channel ()We’re excited…