Sort by Author / Director / Platform now live!
We are excited to announce sorting by Author (books), Director (movies) and Plaform (video games) is now live! We’ve tried our best to update all our records to properly reflect these new sort options, however there are some items which…
Auto-complete for tags!
We’ve just finished testing on the auto-complete feature for tags, and it’s now available for everyone to use! We think this really tightens up the experience and ease of use for libib. Give it a whirl!
Group auto-complete now live!
You asked for it, now we’ve implemented it! Groups now have an auto-complete feature!
Salvador Dali: Dante Illustrations
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Let us know when something is incorrect with new flag option!
Prehistoric Googling
Blind date with a book
Some libraries are hiding covers and letting you take a book out for a blind date!
If Dr. Seuss Books Were Titled According to Their Subtexts
We’ve added the ability to style your reviews!
In our continued preparation for some rather big additions to libib, we’ve now added the ability to use some very common styling capabilities to the reviews. Check it out!