Book covers for iProducts
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And from the inside:
Below is a sampling of different breakdowns of movie color palettes through the decades. ROPE (1948) REAR WINDOW (1954) LAWRENCE OF ARABIA (1962) A CLOCKWORK ORANGE (1971) RAISING ARIZONA (1987) PULP FICTION (1994) THE LIFE AQUATIC WITH STEVE ZISSOU (2004)…
Amazon just published a list of the 20 most well-read cities in the United States. Out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to see if there was any correlation (even if it was just coincidental) between cities that were well-read and…
Here’s some bookshelves that we’ve been drooling over: I really enjoy this bookshelf concept. Taking an old wooden ladder and re-purposing it is a fantastic idea. I have a feeling this would work best in a rustic decor. Although the…
It would be unfair to say Brandon Graham is a new artist and author. He’s been getting published for over a decade now. But the fairly recent release of his graphic novel “King City” has got my attention. What’s amazing…
On our long list of to-do items for libib, the #1 requested feature has been a way to manually add items that can’t be found through searching. We are happy to announce that this feature (along with a host of…
Some recently published libraries from libib users. Explore what others are reading, watching and playing!